First Installment

I have thought about where to start with my first post. I think that I should start with one of the hardest lessons I learned AFTER I transitioned out of the service. That lesson would be that I started to prepare for my departure entirely too late.

I knew about 18 months prior to my retirement that I was leaving the service. I should have started preparing for that day then. Little did I know.

The Army's Transition Assistance Program allows for departing soldiers to attend, and attempt, to get their civilian affairs in order when they receive their out-processing paperwork. That happens 2-3 weeks prior to your separation. Future posts will explain how this is a disservice to the servicemembers as well as explaining how to be more prepared.

Please do not fall into the trap of waiting until you are out-processing to take care of your life after the service.

Start asking questions NOW. If you can't find the answers through the readers here, I will do everything I can to find the answers you're looking for.

I have a book that I am trying to find support for through the government. My hope is that they are receptive of the need for better transition preparation and will make my book available to all transitioning Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Coastguardsmen when they receive their separation orders. Future posts will list Congressional leaders' contact information so that each of you readers can contact your Representatives and ask for this service.

Until the next time,

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